Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registratio 保护原产地名称及其国际注册里斯本协定
The Protection of Appellations of Origin of Agricultural Products in the Transformation of Government Functions Consider& To Pu'er Tea as an Example the Protection of Appellations of Origin 农产品原产地名称保护中政府职能转变的思考&以普洱茶原产地名称保护为实例
Appellations of origin is a collective right within the extent of intellectual property protection. It shows that a mutual profit opportunity belonging to the group is the foundation of the collective interest. 原产地名称权是一种集体权利,属于知识产权保护的范围。研究表明:集体利益的基础是集团范围内共同的获利机会;
The Relationship among Geographical Indications, Indications of Source and Appellations of Origin 地理标志及原产地名称等相关概念的探究
The geographical indications or the appellations of origin possess the characteristics of regionalism and co-ownership, which makes the products of the geographical indications have distinct parasitism and implication. 地理标志产品具有地域性、共有性的特点,这使得其产品有很强的寄生性和株连性。
On Legal Protection of Appellations of Origin 论原产地名称的法律保护
Geographical indications is the difference between a commercial logo, it has a certain link with trademark, appellations of origin, indication of source. In order to describe the concept of geographical indications, the paper compared on the relationship and difference between them. 地理标志是一种商业性的区别标志,它与商标、原产地名称、货源标记有一定的联系和区别,本文对它们之间的关系作了比较,以便更好的说明地理标志概念。
The main feature of the Lisbon Agreement is that appellations of orgin are to be recognized and protected as such, both in the country of origin and registered at an agency of the WIPO. 《里斯本协定》的主要特征是,原产地名称要在其原属国和WIPO获得承认和注册。
Geographical indications are more broadly defined than appellations of origin. 地理标志外延比原产地名称要宽。
The Lisbon agreements first introduced the concept of appellations of origin and the establishment of the International Registration of appellations of origin protection system. 专门解决产地标志的保护问题于《保护原产地名称及其国际注册里斯本协定》首次引入了原产地名称的概念,并建立了原产地名称国际注册保护制度。
It discussed the conception of geographical indication by comparing among indication of source, appellations of origin and trademark. 通过与货源标志、原产地名称、商标等概念的对比,厘清了地理标志的内涵。
In other words, all appellations of origin are geographical indications, but some geographical indications are not appellations of origin. 换句话说,所有的原产地名称都是地理标志,但是,有些地理标志不是原产地名称。